Egypt before and after the Arab Spring
I made several trips to Egypt from the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak to cover the Arab Spring and resulting political and economic turmoil.
Idle tour guides use their cell phones for light play as they play backgammon at a cafe during a power cut on June 18, 2013 in Luxor, Egypt. Egyptians working in the tourism industry have lost work since the revolution in 2011 and blackouts have been increasing in the midst of Egypt's energy crisis.
A baby is held out to a crowd of protesters during a Coptic Christian prayer in Tahrir Square on Sunday, February 6, 2011.
An ancient statue outside of the Egyptian Antiquities Museum which sits next to the burned remains of the former NDP ruling party headquarters in Cairo, Egypt on Monday, October 3, 2011. The NDP was set ablaze during the revolution.
Demonstrators protest and burn tires outside the Luxor Governorate building against President Morsi's Luxor governor appointment of Adel El-Khayat, a member of the political arm of Al Gamaa al-Islamiyya, on June 19, 2013 in Luxor, Egypt. The former militant group, Al Gamaa al-Islamiyya, is responsible for an attack that killed dozens of tourists in Luxor in 1997.
A volunteer nurse holds medical supplies for doctors treating the wounded near the clash between pro/anti Mubarak supporters escalated in Tahrir Square on February 02, 2011.
Boys jump into the water off the Assiut Barrage, a dam on the Nile River on June 22, 2013 in Assiut, Egypt. Built by British engineer, Sir William Willcocks, the dam was constructed to divert water to the Ibrahimiya Canal.
A boy runs along the Muqattam cliffs in the Manshiet Nasser slums on eastern outskirts of Cairo, Egypt on Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Along with the threat of another rock slide, residents live without basic public services such as water supply and waste management.
Egyptian Sea Scouts celebrate in Saint Mark's Cathedral as the new pope of the Egypt's Coptic Christians is announced on November 4, 2012 in Cairo, Egypt.
Mohammed Sayeed answers his cell phone on his felucca, while ferrying residents across the Nile River at sunset on June 22, 2013 in Assiut, Egypt.
Members of the Tadawo Association, an NGO in Cairo, meet in a classroom to discuss upcoming volunteer projects in Cairo, Egypt on Sunday, September 25, 2011. The group of 200 of students from various universities take on projects in health and social care working to provide medical assistance to those who can't afford it to help those that the government will not, according to group leaders.
Outside a cafe in Giza near the pyramids men play dominoes to pass the time on February 7, 2011. The area took an economic hit during the high tourist season.
Looters dig through the sand, sifting and unearthing Roman and Pharaonic antiquities to sell on June 26, 2013 in Sheikh ‘Ibada, Egypt. Sheikh ‘Ibada is the modern town on was once the city of Antinopolis, founded by Roman emperor Hadrian. With the deterioration of security since the revolution of 2011, looting, building and farming have threatened ancient sites such as this across Egypt.
A tractor plows the fields on June 21, 2013 in Awlad Yehia, Egypt. Diesel, gas and water shortages are putting pressure on farmers in Egypt who are also contending with illegal building on land designated for agriculture.
Drivers wait in line for gas and diesel on June 24, 2013 near Assiut, Egypt. The nationwide fuel crisis has caused price increases in several industries and has sparked violence during disputes over diesel and gas lines.